How to Be a Good Friend to Someone Who Is Suffering From Mental Illness

Friendships are still one of the most valuable types of human interaction, second only to connections with family members. We rely on friends for a lot of things, and you may occasionally talk to a friend about topics you wouldn’t talk to a family member about.

Supporting your fellow countryman during difficult times is one of the most important ways to be a better friend. This involves offering emotional assistance to them while they are having a mental breakdown. Social support from friends is especially crucial for people who suffer from mental disorders. This is because a buddy keeps us grounded and reminds us of our values.

How Can You Tell If Someone Is Suffering From Mental Illness?

Depending on the mental disease or its severity, the signs and symptoms of mental illness might vary. When a person is going through a difficult period, it is evident, but there is no way of knowing if they have a mental illness. Examining a person’s mood or behavioural changes is the greatest approach to determine whether or not they are mentally challenged.

However, the following are some of the most prevalent indicators of mental illness:

Excessive anxiety, concern, or paranoia
Extreme mood swings
Withdrawal from social situations
Irritability or sorrow that lasts a long time
Sleep and eating habits change

The signs and symptoms of a mental health problem are sometimes best left undetected. It is more essential to offer emotional support to those who are suffering from mental illness than to enquire about the disease’s diagnosis.

How Could I help?

You may assist a friend, coworker, or relative who suffers from a mental disease or condition in a variety of ways. While most mental health issues require comparable treatment, some mental illnesses necessitate specialised care.


Aiding a Person with ADHD

ADHD is a disorder that impairs a person’s ability to focus their attention. A person with ADHD will frequently start a task but seldom complete it. They are easily distracted, which causes them to be restless virtually all of the time. A person with ADHD makes impulsive decisions because they are unable to properly consider things through.

Here’s how you can assist someone with ADHD as a friend:

Make the necessary adjustments to your conduct.
By understanding more about ADHD, try to put yourself in their position.
Make a schedule for them.
Don’t pass judgement on a buddy based on their conduct.

Supporting a Dementia Patient

As a friend or family member of someone with dementia, you must do everything you can to make them feel loved, respected, and involved. Dementia is a blanket term for illnesses that affect a person’s capacity to think, recall, or make smart decisions.

As stated below, there are various ways to assist them in their everyday tasks.

Incorporate them into group discussions.
Participate in social gatherings and activities with them.
Encourage them to participate in discussions.
Assist them in gaining better comprehension of what you’re saying by talking with them.
Make sure you leave enough time for them to eat.
Inquire about their prefered method of assistance.

Supporting a Person with Autism

Autism is a word used to describe a mental illness that impairs a person’s ability to communicate and interact socially. Time management, communication problems, anxiety, and difficulty remaining focused is among the issues that people with autism face. In our workplaces and communities, people with autism contribute fresh ideas and views.

Here are some ways you may help a coworker, friend, or family member who has autism:

Instead of trying to control them, try to assist them.
When conversing with them, be patient.
Encourage and care for others.
Find out what their passions are.
Give them clear options.
Create and stick to routines and timetables.

Assisting a Person with Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by an additional partial or complete copy of chromosome 21 due to faulty cell division. Cardiac problems, sleep apnea, poor muscular tone, and hearing loss are all common symptoms. A person with the disease is also likely to be shorter and heavier than the usual individual.

So, how can you help someone who has Down syndrome?

To appreciate the problems they confront, you must first grasp the situation.
Pay attention to them when you’re speaking with them so you can comprehend what they’re saying.
Encourage them to pursue their special interests and abilities.
When communicating with them, avoid using offensive words.
Take them to get their hearing and vision checked regularly.


Assisting Someone Suffering from Anxiety or Depression

Anxiety refers to how a person’s body reacts to stress. Depression, on the other hand, is a mental health condition characterised by a loss of interest in daily activities as well as poor emotions. Although the two words are distinct, their symptoms are similar.

If a friend, family member, or coworker is suffering from anxiety or depression, there are numerous things you may do to support them, including:

Being sympathetic
Understanding them
Waiting patiently for them
Investing time with them
Don’t try to be their therapist; instead, be their buddy.
Treat them with decency and respect.
Provide them with emotional support.
Give them a reason to believe.

What Can You Do to Help a Suicidal Friend?

If a friend confides in you that they are suicidal, you should encourage them to get treatment right away. Always make an effort to enquire about their feelings and assure them that you will be there for them.